The Tamerlane jihad
In the 1380th the representative of the governing dynasty of Theodoro Kosmas Gavras together with other noble Theodorits took part in the battle on the Kulikovo pole (field) in the army of Dmitriy Donskoy, in contrast to the Genoese who supported Mamay.
At the last decade of the XIV-th century the peninsula of Crimea was in the zone of active battle-fronts between the Khan of Golden Horde Tochtamysh and the governor of Maverannahr Tamerlane (Timur). The last one set out the slogan of Jihad, the Holy War against the infidels, and led the genocide of the Christian population. Caucasian Alans were extirpated almost one at all, the prosper Christian communes of Middle East and Transcaucasia were perished, Christian towns of Tavrika were destroyed and its population was butchered. At the edge of the XIV-th-XV-th centuries the capital of Theodoro – Mangup was ruined.
The Turkish historian Pechevie wrote about the Crimea conquered by the Tamerlane troops:
“The numberless troops of Timur came into Crimea and those populated towns treaded under horses of the predatory Tatar troop were razed to the ground… Single groups and crowds of plundering Tatars wandered in the Crimea”.
From the poem “The description of Theodoro town” of the hieromonk Matthew, the end of the XIV-th century:
«I will tell you about my losses,
about the wars and the horrors, about the battle-arrays,
about the tribes surrounding during the full seven years,
about the countless masses, about the Hagarian regiments,
and about the murders and shuddering internal and external,
about the invasions and ambushes and horse neigh».
Dedication on Mangup to the unknown person, the end of the XIV-th century:
“ten teams of bullock and drover were killed and … heard, against the Barbarians raised young and old and followed after them to(the name of the area) protected by God Theodoro fortress and pursued and fought to Zazale … parts … 68th year”
More details see in the book "Mystery of the Theodoro principality"
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