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Нужен ли сайт, посвященный княжеству Феодоро?
Княжество Феодоро

Dear friends!

Our Brotherhood does not pursue commercial aims. It is an association of  confederates, of people who are not indifferent, to the world we live in.   At the moment our work on revival of cultural and spiritual traditions of  Byzantine Tavrika is carried out exclusively at the expense of members’  donations (special donations and membership dues).

If the Lord puts into your heart desire to support our activity, we will  be very grateful for the help. Now our work is connected  basically with information and educational projects. We would like, to  develop and make more popular our web-resource, to provide it with  interesting content, to translate it into the languages of Byzantine  Commonwealth.  Therefore we need means for its development.

We also have planned for 2010 year to shoot a documentary film «The mystery of the Theodoro principality». Аnd we will be glad to accept any  finance help which is in your powers for realization of this project.

You can support us by means of payment systems:

PayPal - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

WebMoney. Our purses:

Please inform us about protection code on e-mail address:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

E-Gold - Account 5128073 -

«The St. Theodore Gavras Society» is the legal entity which operates under  Ukrainian laws. Therefore in case your donation exceeds the sum 400 euros,  you can issue non-cash transfer into our bank account. To receive our  requisites, contact the website admin on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . We can  provide you with documents for the financial reporting.

Donators’ names will be written in our Brotherhood Synodicon. We will pray for you!

Our activity is carried out on the basis of the financial transparency,  all reports about usage of the financial means will be published on this  web-page in “Donation” section.

We have a plenty of other ideas and projects which we hope with God’s help  to make a reality. About them you can learn in our site.


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Эзотерические экскурсии и
туры с тренингами от автора книги
«В погоне за Шамбалой»,
Андрея Осташко