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Княжество Феодоро

Culture and Art

Oriental influence

The culture of Tavrika in Middle Ages is the striking example of provincial Byzantium culture. However to a greater extent than with the capital of Byzantium Empire Tavrika was connected with spiritual and cultural impulses coming from Eastern provinces of Empire – Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt. It is worth noting that those were the regions that were the Motherland of Christianity, and its inhabitants were the bearers of the most authentic Christian tradition. According the opinion of academician Veselovsky precisely these regions were the motherland of the legend about the Saint Grail in particular.

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The Palaeologus Renaissance

XIII-th century

The existence of Theodoro principality concurred with one of the most bright periods in the world cultural history known as the Palaeologus Renaissance. According the opinion of the art historian G. Kolpakova “the base of this brilliant flowering was the intensive revival of the spiritual life. The closing stage of Byzantine culture was characterized by active creativity, search energy, heightened interest to art as the most important matter of life. It was as though Byzantine culture summarized its development on the edge of unavoidable end”

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XIV-th century

Reinforcement of princely Gavras power on Mangup and Crimean Orthodox populace consolidation in the Theodoro principality entailed the new tendencies in the art of the XIVth century. Churchwardens from princely dynasty were strongly attracted by classical metropolitan style of Palaeologus Empire.


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XV-th century

The flourishing of the Theodoro state falls on the first half of the XVth century as far as the time of prince Aleksios I governing.  Also to this time are referred beautiful frescoes in the Southern monastery of Mangup.  Painters felt the breathe of the Renaissance and interpenetration of Byzantine classicism and Italian influences is obvious. In the centre of composition Christ with his right hand raised for the blessing, his left hand holds the Gospel. Calm face with classical features approximates to the majestic type of Christ on the mosaics in Constantinople church Kahrie-Jami. He is surrounded by the angels and saints looking as grandees surrounding Byzantine Emperor. On the frescoes one can see Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena. Special solemnity of composition supported with cold colors and elegant lines.

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The school of Theophanos the Greek

The middle of the XIV-th century in the Byzantine Empire was marked by spreading of the mystical doctrine and ascetical practice known as Hesychasm. The word “Hesychasm" came of the Greek word "Hesychia" - rest, silence. Hesychasm was formed in the early Byzantine epoch in the Egyptian and Sinaian cloisters. However in the XIV-th century this doctrine for the first time came out the monasteries, got the theoretical foundation in the works of the Saint Gregory Palamas and became accessible for laymen.

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